Monday, December 10, 2012


My name is Joseph Backes.  I’ve been a JFK assassination researcher since 1991.  Most folks who know me know me from my work following the activities of the ARRB.  I’ve written more articles on them than I can remember, making transcripts of public meetings and public hearings, and reviewing the documents they released.  I reviewed 13 batches, and I typed out what the documents said.  The early 1990’s were the early days of the internet and I did not have a scanner.

Here are the links to those reviews.  If these links don't work you can Google them yourselves or wait and I'll come back and fix them 

1.) Batch One See -
2.) Batch Two See -
3.) Batch Three See -
4.) Batch Four See -
5.) Batch Five See -
6.) Batch Six See -
7.) Batch Seven See -
8.) Batch Eight See -
9.) Batch Nine See -
10.) Batch Ten See -
11.) Batch Eleven See -
12.) Batch Twelve See -
13.) Batch Thirteen ( which I don't think I finished ) See -

The purpose of this blog is to be a guide as to what is still being withheld.  The content of these documents will not be addressed here.  If you want to know what the JFK Online database says about the content you can cut, copy and paste the RIF number into that database.  Documents will be listed here chronologically as they were published in the Federal Register.  I will refer to such listings as ARRB Batch 1, 2, 3. etc. 

Sometimes, though not often, the JFK Act itself, separate from ARRB activity or decisions, released documents which were not published in the Federal Register.  The JFK Act, Public Law 102-526 came into effect prior to the creation of the review board which was to oversee its implementation.  As you will recall, President George H.W. Bush signed it into law and there was a change in presidential administration.  When President Clinton came in appointing people to the review board was not a high priority for him.  So, when people were appointed the timeframes in the Act were reset. 

So, there was an release in August of 1993 at the original National Archives.  These documents will not be counted here as I know of no listing of every document that fell under this release. As there was no review board yet the intelligence agencies were allowed to create their own definitions as to what an “assassination record” was.  If you go to Archives II in College ParkMaryland, which was being built in the early 1990’s, and started to receive these newly released JFK records, you will notice on many documents some reference to this initial release.  There was also a reference to this initial release or review in August 1993 in some RIFs. 

There was another release, which I don’t think was really mentioned in the Federal Register. I think I called this Batch 6.  I have some documentation on this, not much

Also, during the lifetime of the ARRB, and afterwards, documents were declassified and made a part of the JFK Records Collection.  There was little or no notification of these releases.  If you were in Archives II that day, you’d learn, if not, you wouldn’t know.  I was sometimes notified of things going on when my friend Malcolm Blunt would learn of a release.  Once when I was lucky enough to be with him at a place he rented he left early to get over to the Archives and he told me to hurry up, they’re releasing something today.  All I can recall of this release was that I looked at color photographs of JFK in a motorcade in a military base in FloridaTampa, maybe.  These were small color photos.  There was some press there watching, perhaps filming us as we looked at the material.    

Some things you pick up on.  When a RIF starts with these three numbers you know what agency it came from.

RIF – 104 = CIA Document
RIF – 124 = FBI Document
RIF – 180 = HSCA Document

I'm working on a chart to show you what has been released with Batch One.  I may have to print it off and scan it and then I should be able to get it in here.    

Friday, December 7, 2012

This site will highlight the documents the ARRB released

I am going to do more work on this this weekend, specifically on the Postponed in Part, and Postponed in full documents.